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Emily and Zoe!

Views: 124
Kernel: Python 3
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the module from modsim import * import pandas as pd from pandas import read_html import numpy as np
def eval_gs(): #Amount of evaportanted water per second (kg/s) # (25 + 19v): evaporation coefficient # v: velocity of air above water surface (m/s) v = 6.7056 #evaporation coefficient (kg/m^2h) theta = (25 + 19 * v) #water surface area (m^2) A = 360000000000 # xs: max humidity ratio of saturated air (kg water / kg dry air) xs = 0.62198 # x: humidity ratio air (kg water / kg dry air) x = 0.01062 return theta * A * (xs - x) / 3600
params = Params( # surface_temp = pd.read_csv('sea-surface-temp_g-1.csv', header = 1), # heat_constant = pd.read_csv('temp.csv', header = 2), gs = eval_gs(), t_0=0, t_end=120)
gs 9.317518e+09
t_0 0.000000e+00
t_end 1.200000e+02
# heat_constant = pd.read_csv('temp.csv', header = 0) # heat_constant
def pick_constant(heat_constant): input = 15 trim_temp = heat_constant["Temperature"][3:36] for data in trim_temp: data = int(data) data -= input data = abs(data) print(data) out = np.min(data) print(out) type (data)
def make_system(params): """Makes a System object with the given parameters. params: sequence of G0, k1, k2, k3 data: DataFrame with `glucose` and `insulin` returns: System object """ gamma, mu, tao, beta, rho, alpha, sigma, delta, pi, t_0, t_end = params init = State(R=200, L=0, E=0, V=4e-7) return System(params, init=init,gamma=gamma, mu=mu, tao=tao, beta=beta, rho=rho, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma, delta=delta, pi=pi, t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, dt=(80/(60*24)))
def update_func(state, t, system): # stock values are stored in system.state # R, L, E, V = state gamma, mu, tao, beta, rho, alpha, sigma, delta, pi = system.gamma,, system.tao, system.beta, system.rho, system.alpha, system.sigma,, system.pi dt=system.dt dRdt = gamma*tao-mu*R-beta*R*V dLdt = rho*beta*R*V-mu*L-alpha*L dEdt = (1-rho)*beta*R*V +alpha*L - delta*E dVdt = pi*E -sigma*V R += dRdt*dt L += dLdt*dt E += dEdt*dt V += dVdt*dt return State(R=R, L=L, E=E, V=V)
def run_simulation(system, update_func): """Runs a simulation of the system. system: System object update_func: function that updates state returns: TimeFrame """ init = system.init t_0, t_end, dt = system.t_0, system.t_end, system.dt frame = TimeFrame(columns=init.index) frame.row[t_0] = init ts = linrange(t_0, t_end, dt) for t in ts: frame.row[t+dt] = update_func(frame.row[t], t, system) return frame
init = State(T=24)
T 24
# water energy q = System(init=init, m=1, cp=4190, t_0=0, t_end=100, T_env=24, dt=1) # m: mass (kg) # cp: specific heat of substance (J/kg deg C); water is 4190 # dt: change in temperature (deg C) # q: thermal energy per kg of water # q = m * cp * dt
init T 24 dtype: int64
m 1
cp 4190
t_0 0
t_end 100
T_env 24
dt 1
def update_func(state, t, system): """Update the thermal transfer model. state: State (temp) t: time system: System object returns: State (temp) """ r, dt = system.r, system.T_env, system.dt T = state.T T += -r * (T - T_env) * dt return State(T=T)
# water evaporation rate # gs: water evaporated per second (kg/s) # # (25 + 19v): evaporation coecient # # v: velocity of air above water surface # v = 75 # # A: water surface area (m^2) # A = 1 # # xs: max humidity ratio of saturated air (kg water / kg dry air) # # xs = # # x: humidity ratio air (kg water / kg dry air) # # x = # gs = (25 + 19 * v) * A * (xs - x) / 3600
def heat(ocean_temp, gs): #heat supplied (kJ/s (kW)) hwe = 5 # evaporation heat of water (kJ/kg) kW = 3412 # Btu/h return
# atmospheric energy # R: gas constant for dry air in atmosphere R = 8.31432 * 10 ** 3 # T: temperature of air T = 5 # u: total energy per kg of air u = (5 / 2) * R * T