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Views: 45899
Kernel: Python 3

automaton.expression(identities="default", algo="auto")

Apply the Brzozowski-McCluskey procedure, to compute a (basic) expression from an automaton.


  • identities: the identities of the resulting expression

  • algo: a heuristics to choose the order in which states are eliminated

    • "auto": same as "best"

    • "best": run all the heuristics, and return the shortest result

    • "naive": a simple heuristics which eliminates states with few incoming/outgoing transitions

    • "delgado": choose a state whose removal would add a small expression (number of nodes) to the result

    • "delgado_label": choose a state whose removal would add a small expression (number of labels in the expression) to the result

See also:


import vcsn import pandas as pd
a = vcsn.B.expression('ab*c').standard() a
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a.expression(algo = "naive")

ac+abbca \, c + a \, b \, {b}^{*} \, c

a.expression(algo = "best")

a(c+bbc)a \, \left(c + b \, {b}^{*} \, c\right)

Unfortunately there is no guarantee that the resulting expression is as simple as one could hope for. Note also that expression.derived_term tends to build automata which give nicer results than expression.standard.

def latex(e): return '$' + e.format('latex') + '$' def example(*es): res = [[latex(e), latex(e.standard().expression(algo="naive")), latex(e.derived_term().expression(algo="naive"))] for e in [vcsn.Q.expression(e) for e in es]] return pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['Input', 'Via Standard', 'Via Derived Term']) example('a', 'a+b+a', 'a+b+a', 'ab*c', '[ab]{2}')
Input Via Standard Via Derived Term
0 aa aa aa
1 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b
2 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b 2a+b \left\langle 2 \right\rangle \,a + b
3 abca \, {b}^{*} \, c ac+abbca \, c + a \, b \, {b}^{*} \, c abca \, {b}^{*} \, c
4 (a+b)2\left(a + b\right)^{2} aa+ab+ba+bba \, a + a \, b + b \, a + b \, b (a+b)2\left(a + b\right)^{2}


You may pass the desired identities as an argument.

Image in a Jupyter notebook

a(c+(bb)c)a \, \left(c + \left(b \, {b}^{*}\right) \, c\right)


a(c+bbc)a \, \left(c + b \, {b}^{*} \, c\right)