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Kernel: SageMath 8.0
#Assumptions #Vertical g = -9.8 #acceleration due to gravity in m/s/s #y(t) = 1/2*g*t*t #x(t) = 1/2*a*t*t # t*t = 2*x/a = 2*y/g # t = sqrt(2*x/a) = sqrt(2*y/g) # t*t = 2*x/a = 2*y/g # 2x/a=2y/g ==> x/a = y/g ==> ay =gx # ay = gx d = var('d') A = 1 #m^2 # a = d*A/F # x = a *y /g #Horizontal #F is force due to horizontal windspeed #P is pressure due to wind #C coefficient of drag C = var('C') P(V) = 0.613*V^2 #in km/s F(A,C,F) = A*P*C
#Model def a(d=1,A=1,F=1): return d*A/F def x(a=9.8,y=1): return a*y/g
#Modelling Testing Subscript, by default it passes a=a and x=x. Requires Sagemath. def model_test(a=a,x=x): if (a()==1): if (x()==-1): print("Model Test Passed") model_test()
Model Test Passed
from __future__ import print_function from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed import ipywidgets as widgets def temp(x): return x #In this line, I'm trying to put a slider to select d, where d is density of the object, but's it's returning a hex object instead of the slider interact(temp(d),d=widgets.IntSlider(min=-10,max=30,step=1,value=10),A=widgets.IntSlider(min=-10,max=30,step=1,value=10))
<function <lambda> at 0x7f505caf4d70>
#Differential model of terminal velocity dsdt = g/k(t+(1/k)*e^(-k*t)-(1/k))
#Horizontal Model ro(V) =0.613*V^2 Fx(ro,v,C,A) = .5*ro*v^2*C*A
File "<ipython-input-10-8128a7099352>", line 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Hy9KJ48YQ ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

City Waste Numbers

NYC generated 14` million tons of waste, 3 million from households

requires 6000 Trucks!

Waste Stream:

Other 12% Paper 30% Plastic 14% Glass 4% Metal 5% Yard Waste 4% Food 18% Hazardous .25% Construction Waste 5% Textiles 7% E-Waste 1%

total = 14000000 other = [.12*total] paper = [.3*total] plastic = [.14 * total] glass = [.04*total] metal = [.05 * total] yard_waste = [.04 * total] food = [.18*total] hazardous = [.25* total] construction = [.05 * total] textiles = [.07 * total] ewaste = [.01 * total]