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%md # Surfaces. First and second fundamental form, curvatures.

Surfaces. First and second fundamental form, curvatures.

%md ## Paraboloid


u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') paraboloid_eq(u1, u2) = (u1*cos(u2), u1*sin(u2), u1^2) paraboloid = ParametrizedSurface3D(paraboloid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'paraboloid') var('v1, v2, w1, w2') v = vector([v1, v2]) w = vector([w1, w2]) print paraboloid.first_fundamental_form(v, w) print paraboloid.first_fundamental_form(v, w).substitute(u1=sqrt(2), u2=pi/4)
(v1, v2, w1, w2) u1^2*v2*w2 + (4*u1^2 + 1)*v1*w1 9*v1*w1 + 2*v2*w2
print 'K= ', paraboloid.gauss_curvature() print 'K(sqrt(2) = ', paraboloid.gauss_curvature().substitute(u1=sqrt(2))
K= 4/(16*u1^4 + 8*u1^2 + 1) K(sqrt(2) = 4/81
%md ## Cone


u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') cone_eq(u1, u2) = (u1*cos(u2), u1*sin(u2), u1) cone = ParametrizedSurface3D(cone_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'cone') print cone.first_fundamental_form_coefficients() print cone.second_fundamental_form_coefficients() print cone.mean_curvature() print cone.principal_directions()
{(1, 2): 0, (1, 1): 2, (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): u1^2} {(1, 2): 0, (1, 1): 0, (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): 1/2*sqrt(2)*u1} 1/4*sqrt(2)/u1 [(1/2*sqrt(2)/u1, [(0, 1)], 1), (0, [(1, 0)], 1)]
%md ## Helicoid


u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') helicoid_eq(u1, u2) = (u1*cos(u2), u1*sin(u2), u2) helicoid = ParametrizedSurface3D(helicoid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'helicoide') print helicoid.first_fundamental_form_coefficients() print helicoid.second_fundamental_form_coefficients() print helicoid.mean_curvature() print helicoid.principal_directions() print helicoid.shape_operator() print helicoid.gauss_curvature() print helicoid.connection_coefficients()
{(1, 2, 1): 0, (2, 2, 2): 0, (1, 2, 2): 1/2/u1, (2, 1, 1): 0, (1, 1, 2): 0, (2, 2, 1): -2*u1/(4*u1 + 1), (2, 1, 2): 1/2/u1, (1, 1, 1): -1/2/(4*u1^2 + u1)}
%md ## Paraboloid


u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') paraboloid_eq(u1, u2) = (sqrt(u1)*cos(u2), sqrt(u1)*sin(u2), u1) paraboloid = ParametrizedSurface3D(paraboloid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'paraboloid') paraboloid.connection_coefficients()
{(1, 2, 1): 0, (2, 2, 2): 0, (1, 2, 2): 1/2/u1, (2, 1, 1): 0, (1, 1, 2): 0, (2, 2, 1): -2*u1/(4*u1 + 1), (2, 1, 2): 1/2/u1, (1, 1, 1): -1/2/(4*u1^2 + u1)}
%md # Surfaces of revolution

Surfaces of revolution

u1, u2 = var('u1, u2') f = function('f')(u1) surf_rev_eq(u1, u2) = (f(u1)*cos(u2), f(u1)*sin(u2), u1) surf_rev = ParametrizedSurface3D(surf_rev_eq(u1, u2), [u1, u2], 'surface of revolution') print surf_rev.first_fundamental_form_coefficients() print surf_rev.second_fundamental_form_coefficients()
{(1, 2): 0, (1, 1): diff(f(u1), u1)^2 + 1, (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): f(u1)^2} {(1, 2): 0, (1, 1): -diff(f(u1), u1, u1)/sqrt(diff(f(u1), u1)^2 + 1), (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): f(u1)/sqrt(diff(f(u1), u1)^2 + 1)}
{(1, 2): 0, (1, 1): diff(f(u1), u1)^2 + 1, (2, 1): 0, (2, 2): f(u1)^2}
%md # Geodesic curves

Geodesic curves

%md ## Helicoid geodesics

Helicoid geodesics

u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') helicoid_eq(u1, u2) = (u1*cos(u2), u1*sin(u2), u2) helicoid = ParametrizedSurface3D(helicoid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'helicoide') psi = pi/4 #starting angle initial_point = helicoid_eq(2, 0) ort_frame = [helicoid.orthonormal_frame()[indx].substitute(u1 = 2, u2 = 0) for indx in [1, 2]] v_int = (sin(psi), cos(psi)/3) initial_data_graph = point(initial_point,size=20) + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[0]],color='black') + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[1]],color='black') pg_list = helicoid.geodesics_numerical([2, 0],v_int,[0, 10, 1000]) graph = points([ xxx[3] for xxx in pg_list ], color = 'red') + parametric_plot3d(helicoid_eq(u1,u2, 1, 2), (u1, 1, 20), (u2, -pi, pi), opacity=0.3) show(graph)
%md ## Torus geodesics

Torus geodesics

var('u1, u2') var('a, b') torus_eq(u1, u2, a, b) = [ (a*cos(u1) + b)*cos(u2), (a*cos(u1) + b)*sin(u2), a*sin(u1) ] torus = ParametrizedSurface3D(torus_eq(u1,u2,a,b) , [u1, u2]) torus_1 = ParametrizedSurface3D(torus_eq(u1,u2,1,2) , [u1, u2]) psi = pi/6 #starting angle initial_point = torus_eq(0, 0, 1, 2) ort_frame = [torus_1.orthonormal_frame()[indx].substitute(u1 = 0, u2 = 0) for indx in [1, 2]] v_int = (sin(psi), cos(psi)/3) initial_data_graph = point(initial_point,size=20) + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[0]],color='black') + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[1]],color='black') pg_list = torus_1.geodesics_numerical([0,0],v_int,[0, 30, 1000]) graph = points([ xxx[3] for xxx in pg_list ], color = 'red') + parametric_plot3d(torus_eq(u1,u2, 1, 2), (u1, 0, 2*pi), (u2, 0, 2*pi), opacity=0.3) u1_lim = arccos(3*cos(psi) - 2).n() print u1_lim circle_limit = parametric_plot3d(torus_eq(u1_lim, u2, 1, 2), (u2, 0, 2*pi), color='green', thickness=2) show(graph + initial_data_graph + circle_limit, aspect_ratio=(1, 1, 1))
(u1, u2) (a, b) 0.929697791487669
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%md ## Catenoid geodesics

Catenoid geodesics

u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') catenoid_eq(u1, u2) = (cosh(u1)*cos(u2), cosh(u1)*sin(u2), u1) catenoid = ParametrizedSurface3D(catenoid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'catenoid') psi = 0 #starting angle initial_point = catenoid_eq(0.2, 0) ort_frame = [catenoid.orthonormal_frame()[indx].substitute(u1 = 2, u2 = 0) for indx in [1, 2]] v_int = (sin(psi), cos(psi)) initial_data_graph = point(initial_point,size=20) + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[0]],color='black') + line([initial_point, initial_point + ort_frame[1]],color='black') pg_list = catenoid.geodesics_numerical([0.2, 0],v_int,[0, 4, 1000]) graph = points([ xxx[3] for xxx in pg_list ], color = 'red') + parametric_plot3d(catenoid_eq(u1,u2, 1, 2), (u1, -2, 2), (u2, 0, 2*pi), opacity=0.3) show(graph)
3D rendering not yet implemented
%md # Minimal surfaces

Minimal surfaces

%md ## Catenoid
u1,u2 = var('u1, u2') catenoid_eq(u1, u2) = (cosh(u1)*cos(u2), cosh(u1)*sin(u2), u1) catenoid = ParametrizedSurface3D(catenoid_eq(u1,u2), [u1,u2], 'catenoid') print "mean curvature = ", catenoid.mean_curvature() print catenoid.area_form() print integrate(catenoid.area_form(), (u1, -1, 1)).expand()
mean curvature = 0 cosh(u1)^2 1/4*e^2 - 1/4*e^(-2) + 1
%md ## Enneper surface

Enneper surface

var('u, v') enneper_eq = [u - u^3/3 + u*v^2, v - v^3/3 + u^2*v, u^2 - v^2] enneper = ParametrizedSurface3D(enneper_eq, [u, v], "enneper surface") print "mean curvature =", enneper.mean_curvature() parametric_plot3d(enneper_eq, (u, -2, 2), (v, -2, 2))
(u, v) mean curvature = 0
3D rendering not yet implemented
%md ## Scherk surface

Scherk surface

var('u, v') scherk_eq = [u, v, log(cos(u)/cos(v))] scherk = ParametrizedSurface3D(scherk_eq, [u, v], "scherk surface") print "mean curvature=", scherk.mean_curvature() parametric_plot3d(scherk_eq, (u, -5, 5), (v, -5, 5))
(u, v) mean curvature= 0
3D rendering not yet implemented
%md # Sufaces of constant positive curvature

Sufaces of constant positive curvature

%md ## Sievert surface

Sievert surface

u, v = var('u, v') C = var('C') phi(u, C) = -u/sqrt(C + 1) + arctan(sqrt(C + 1)*tan(u)) a(u, v, C) = 2/(C + 1 - C*sin(v)^2*cos(u)^2) r(u, v, C) = a(u, v, C)*sqrt( (C + 1)*(1 + C*sin(u)^2) )*sin(v)/sqrt(C) x(u, v, C) = r(u, v, C)*cos(phi(u, C)) y(u, v, C) = r(u, v, C)*sin(phi(u, C)) z(u, v, C) = (log(tan(v/2)) + a(u, v)*(C + 1)*cos(v))/sqrt(C) sievert_eq(u, v, C) = [x(u, v, C), y(u, v, C), z(u, v, C)] sievert = ParametrizedSurface3D(sievert_eq(u, v, 1), [u, v], "Sievert surface") parametric_plot3d(sievert_eq(u, v, 1), (u, -pi/2, pi/2), (v, 0, pi/2)) # print sievert.gauss_curvature()
3D rendering not yet implemented
%md ## Remb surface

Remb surface

var('u, v') var('c') fU(u,c) = cosh(u*sqrt(c))/sqrt(c) fV(v,c) = cos(v*sqrt(c+1))/sqrt(c+1) gU(u,c) = diff(fU(u,c), u) gV(v,c) = diff(fV(v,c), v) a(u, v, c) = 2*fV(v)/( (c+1)*(fU(u)^2 - fV(v)^2) ) x(u, v, c) = a(u, v, c)*(fU(u, c)*cos(u) - gU(u, c)*sin(u)) y(u, v, c) = -a(u, v, c)*(fU(u, c)*sin(u) + gU(u, c)*cos(u)) z(u, v, c) = v - a(u, v, c)*gV(v, c) remb_eq(u, v, c) = [x(u, v, c), y(u, v, c), z(u, v, c)] remb = ParametrizedSurface3D(remb_eq(u, v, 1), [u, v], "Rhemb's surface") parametric_plot3d(remb_eq(u, v, 1), (u, -1, 1), (v, -1, 1)) print remb.gauss_curvature()
(u, v) c
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print remb.mean_curvature() plot3d(remb.mean_curvature(), (u, -1, 1), (v, -1, 1))
1/8*(sqrt(2)*cos(sqrt(2)*v)^4 + 12*sqrt(2)*cos(sqrt(2)*v)^2*cosh(u)^2 + 4*sqrt(2)*cosh(u)^4)/(cos(sqrt(2)*v)^3*cosh(u) + 2*cos(sqrt(2)*v)*cosh(u)^3)
3D rendering not yet implemented
%md # Geodesics of hyperbolic plane

Geodesics of hyperbolic plane

s = var('s') a, R = var('a, R') x(s, a, R) = a + R*(1 - exp(2*s))/(1 + exp(2*s)) y(s, a, R) = 2*R*exp(s)/(1 + exp(2*s)) parametric_plot([x(s, 1, 1), y(s, 1, 1)], (s, -10, 10))
xx = a + R*(1 - exp(2*s))/(1 + exp(2*s)) yy = 2*R*exp(s)/(1 + exp(2*s)) show((diff(xx, s, 2) - 2*diff(xx, s)*diff(yy, s)/yy).simplify_full()) show((diff(yy, s, 2) + (diff(xx, s)^2 - diff(yy, s)^2)/yy).simplify_full())
0\displaystyle 0
0\displaystyle 0