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SARS-CoV-19 Corona Virus Data

Working with some datasets from Kaggle on CoCalc

Download covid_19_data.csv

Better: adjust all below to work with

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sbn sbn.set('notebook')
covid = pd.read_csv("covid_19_data.csv", parse_dates=[1, 4]).rename( columns={ 'Province/State': 'state', 'Country/Region': 'country', 'Last Update': 'lastupdate', 'ObservationDate': 'time' }) covid.tail()
SNo time state country lastupdate Confirmed Deaths Recovered
4242 4243 2020-03-08 Northern Territory Australia 2020-03-06 04:33:03 0.0 0.0 0.0
4243 4244 2020-03-08 Lackland, TX (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0
4244 4245 2020-03-08 Montgomery County, TX US 2020-03-07 19:53:02 0.0 0.0 0.0
4245 4246 2020-03-08 Omaha, NE (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0
4246 4247 2020-03-08 Travis, CA (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0
covid['state'] = covid['state'].astype('category') covid['country'] = covid['country'].astype('category')
SNo int64 time datetime64[ns] state category country category lastupdate datetime64[ns] Confirmed float64 Deaths float64 Recovered float64 dtype: object

"sick" are those, who are neither dead nor are recovered

covid['sick'] = covid.Confirmed - covid.Recovered - covid.Deaths

"deathrate" based on confirmed cases

covid['deathrate'] = 100 * covid.Deaths / covid.Confirmed covid['recrate'] = 100 * covid.Recovered / covid.Confirmed

filter latest data only!

# but keep the full data around … covid_all = covid.copy()
covid = covid[covid.time == covid.time.max()].reindex() covid
SNo time state country lastupdate Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick deathrate recrate
3992 3993 2020-03-08 Hubei Mainland China 2020-03-08 14:43:03 67707.0 2986.0 45235.0 19486.0 4.410179 66.809931
3993 3994 2020-03-08 NaN Italy 2020-03-08 18:03:04 7375.0 366.0 622.0 6387.0 4.962712 8.433898
3994 3995 2020-03-08 NaN South Korea 2020-03-08 12:53:03 7314.0 50.0 118.0 7146.0 0.683620 1.613344
3995 3996 2020-03-08 NaN Iran 2020-03-08 11:03:30 6566.0 194.0 2134.0 4238.0 2.954615 32.500761
3996 3997 2020-03-08 Guangdong Mainland China 2020-03-08 14:43:03 1352.0 7.0 1256.0 89.0 0.517751 92.899408
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4242 4243 2020-03-08 Northern Territory Australia 2020-03-06 04:33:03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4243 4244 2020-03-08 Lackland, TX (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4244 4245 2020-03-08 Montgomery County, TX US 2020-03-07 19:53:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4245 4246 2020-03-08 Omaha, NE (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4246 4247 2020-03-08 Travis, CA (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN

255 rows × 11 columns

SNo Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick deathrate recrate
count 255.000000 255.00000 255.000000 255.000000 255.000000 249.000000 249.000000
mean 4120.000000 430.72549 14.913725 238.019608 177.792157 1.320539 16.819022
std 73.756356 4302.71234 188.609605 2838.177099 1382.094730 7.645967 33.098950
min 3993.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 4056.500000 1.00000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 4120.000000 4.00000 0.000000 0.000000 3.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 4183.500000 35.50000 0.000000 1.000000 16.500000 0.000000 10.000000
max 4247.000000 67707.00000 2986.000000 45235.000000 19486.000000 100.000000 100.000000

death rate stats, where at least a significant amount of patients are known …

min_deaths = covid[covid.Deaths > 2].Deaths.quantile(.1) min_deaths
deathrate_sign = covid[covid.Deaths > min_deaths].deathrate deathrate_sign.describe()
count 20.000000 mean 3.243667 std 4.624665 min 0.392927 25% 0.844441 50% 1.799359 75% 3.108818 max 20.481928 Name: deathrate, dtype: float64
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f09f9525240>]
Image in a Jupyter notebook
covid.sort_values(by='Deaths', ascending=False).head(20)
SNo time state country lastupdate Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick deathrate recrate
3992 3993 2020-03-08 Hubei Mainland China 2020-03-08 14:43:03 67707.0 2986.0 45235.0 19486.0 4.410179 66.809931
3993 3994 2020-03-08 NaN Italy 2020-03-08 18:03:04 7375.0 366.0 622.0 6387.0 4.962712 8.433898
3995 3996 2020-03-08 NaN Iran 2020-03-08 11:03:30 6566.0 194.0 2134.0 4238.0 2.954615 32.500761
3994 3995 2020-03-08 NaN South Korea 2020-03-08 12:53:03 7314.0 50.0 118.0 7146.0 0.683620 1.613344
3997 3998 2020-03-08 Henan Mainland China 2020-03-08 05:03:02 1272.0 22.0 1247.0 3.0 1.729560 98.034591
3999 4000 2020-03-08 NaN France 2020-03-08 18:03:04 1126.0 19.0 12.0 1095.0 1.687389 1.065719
4037 4038 2020-03-08 King County, WA US 2020-03-08 20:23:09 83.0 17.0 1.0 65.0 20.481928 1.204819
4006 4007 2020-03-08 NaN Spain 2020-03-08 20:33:02 673.0 17.0 30.0 626.0 2.526003 4.457652
4011 4012 2020-03-08 Heilongjiang Mainland China 2020-03-08 14:43:03 481.0 13.0 412.0 56.0 2.702703 85.654886
4012 4013 2020-03-08 Beijing Mainland China 2020-03-08 01:23:07 428.0 8.0 308.0 112.0 1.869159 71.962617
3996 3997 2020-03-08 Guangdong Mainland China 2020-03-08 14:43:03 1352.0 7.0 1256.0 89.0 0.517751 92.899408
4008 4009 2020-03-08 Chongqing Mainland China 2020-03-08 23:23:03 576.0 6.0 527.0 43.0 1.041667 91.493056
4015 4016 2020-03-08 Hebei Mainland China 2020-03-07 13:03:05 318.0 6.0 307.0 5.0 1.886792 96.540881
4025 4026 2020-03-08 Hainan Mainland China 2020-03-08 04:33:02 168.0 6.0 159.0 3.0 3.571429 94.642857
4010 4011 2020-03-08 NaN Japan 2020-03-08 14:53:11 502.0 6.0 76.0 420.0 1.195219 15.139442
4004 4005 2020-03-08 Shandong Mainland China 2020-03-08 10:03:11 758.0 6.0 642.0 110.0 0.791557 84.696570
4005 4006 2020-03-08 Diamond Princess cruise ship Others 2020-03-06 01:29:39 696.0 6.0 40.0 650.0 0.862069 5.747126
4044 4045 2020-03-08 NaN Iraq 2020-03-08 21:03:03 60.0 6.0 0.0 54.0 10.000000 0.000000
4002 4003 2020-03-08 Anhui Mainland China 2020-03-08 05:13:06 990.0 6.0 984.0 0.0 0.606061 99.393939
4001 4002 2020-03-08 Hunan Mainland China 2020-03-08 12:53:03 1018.0 4.0 968.0 46.0 0.392927 95.088409

Situation in Italy

italy = covid_all[ == 'Italy'].sort_values(by='lastupdate') italy.plot.line(x='lastupdate', y=['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'sick'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f09f90971d0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
italy.plot.line(x='lastupdate', y='deathrate')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f09f8fc2828>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
italy.plot.line(x='lastupdate', y='recrate')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f09f8f066a0>
Image in a Jupyter notebook

outside china

outside_ch = covid[ != 'Mainland China'] outside_ch
SNo time state country lastupdate Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick deathrate recrate
3993 3994 2020-03-08 NaN Italy 2020-03-08 18:03:04 7375.0 366.0 622.0 6387.0 4.962712 8.433898
3994 3995 2020-03-08 NaN South Korea 2020-03-08 12:53:03 7314.0 50.0 118.0 7146.0 0.683620 1.613344
3995 3996 2020-03-08 NaN Iran 2020-03-08 11:03:30 6566.0 194.0 2134.0 4238.0 2.954615 32.500761
3999 4000 2020-03-08 NaN France 2020-03-08 18:03:04 1126.0 19.0 12.0 1095.0 1.687389 1.065719
4000 4001 2020-03-08 NaN Germany 2020-03-08 21:03:03 1040.0 0.0 18.0 1022.0 0.000000 1.730769
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4242 4243 2020-03-08 Northern Territory Australia 2020-03-06 04:33:03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4243 4244 2020-03-08 Lackland, TX (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4244 4245 2020-03-08 Montgomery County, TX US 2020-03-07 19:53:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4245 4246 2020-03-08 Omaha, NE (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4246 4247 2020-03-08 Travis, CA (From Diamond Princess) US 2020-02-24 23:33:02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN

224 rows × 11 columns

outside_ch.pivot_table(index='country', values=['Deaths', 'Confirmed', 'sick', 'Recovered'], aggfunc=np.sum).sort_values(by='Deaths', ascending=False).head(20)
Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick
Italy 7375.0 366.0 622.0 6387.0
Iran 6566.0 194.0 2134.0 4238.0
South Korea 7314.0 50.0 118.0 7146.0
US 537.0 21.0 8.0 508.0
France 1126.0 19.0 12.0 1095.0
Spain 673.0 17.0 30.0 626.0
Iraq 60.0 6.0 0.0 54.0
Japan 502.0 6.0 76.0 420.0
Others 696.0 6.0 40.0 650.0
Australia 76.0 4.0 21.0 51.0
Hong Kong 114.0 3.0 58.0 53.0
UK 273.0 3.0 18.0 252.0
Netherlands 265.0 3.0 0.0 262.0
Switzerland 337.0 2.0 3.0 332.0
Philippines 10.0 1.0 1.0 8.0
Egypt 49.0 1.0 1.0 47.0
Taiwan 45.0 1.0 13.0 31.0
Thailand 50.0 1.0 31.0 18.0
Argentina 12.0 1.0 0.0 11.0
San Marino 36.0 1.0 0.0 35.0
covid_all['inchina'] = == 'Mainland China'
covid_all = covid_all.sort_values('lastupdate')
covid_all_inchina = covid_all[covid_all.inchina == False].dropna().pivot_table(index='lastupdate', values=['Deaths', 'Recovered', 'sick', 'Confirmed'], aggfunc=np.sum) covid_all_inchina
Confirmed Deaths Recovered sick
2020-01-22 17:00:00 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0
2020-01-23 17:00:00 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
2020-01-24 17:00:00 9.0 0.0 0.0 9.0
2020-01-25 17:00:00 12.0 0.0 0.0 12.0
2020-01-26 16:00:00 23.0 0.0 0.0 23.0
... ... ... ... ...
2020-03-08 21:23:03 44.0 0.0 1.0 43.0
2020-03-08 21:33:02 30.0 0.0 3.0 27.0
2020-03-08 21:43:03 55.0 1.0 0.0 54.0
2020-03-08 21:53:03 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
2020-03-08 21:53:04 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.0

294 rows × 4 columns

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f09f8da3208>
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