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%md $$ g(t) = \sum \frac{\log(p)}{p^{n/2}} \cdot \cos(t \log(p ^ n)) $$

g(t)=log(p)pn/2cos(tlog(pn))g(t) = \sum \frac{\log(p)}{p^{n/2}} \cdot \cos(t \log(p ^ n))
p = next_prime(10^5) N(log(p) / sqrt(p) * cos(14*log(p)))
%time def data(F, B): print F v = prime_powers(B) f = [factor(pn)[0] for pn in v] v = [F(pn) for pn in v] P_log = [F(p).log() for p,_ in f] Pn_log = [pn.log() for pn in v] Pn_sqrt = [pn.sqrt() for pn in v] #print P_log #print Pn_sqrt #print Pn_log def g(t): t = F(t) s = F(0) for i in range(len(v)): s += P_log[i]/Pn_sqrt[i] * (t*Pn_log[i]).cos() return -s return g
CPU time: 0.00 s, Wall time: 0.00 s
def maxval(v): ymax = 0 xmax = 0 for x, y in v: if y > ymax: xmax = x ymax = y return xmax
F = RDF %time for i in [1..6]: g = data(RDF, 10^i) print "10^%s"%i, maxval([(t, g(t)) for t in [13,F(13+1/100), .., 15]])
Real Double Field 10^1 14.05 Real Double Field 10^2 14.15 Real Double Field 10^3 14.23 Real Double Field 10^4 14.14 Real Double Field 10^5 14.06 Real Double Field 10^6 13.99 CPU time: 8.43 s, Wall time: 8.52 s
F = RealField(200) for i in [1..5]: g = data(F, 10^i) print "10^%s"%i, maxval([(t, g(t)) for t in [13,F(13+1/100), .., 15]])
Real Field with 200 bits of precision 10^1 14.050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Real Field with 200 bits of precision 10^2 14.150000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Real Field with 200 bits of precision 10^3 14.230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Real Field with 200 bits of precision 10^4 14.140000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Real Field with 200 bits of precision 10^5 14.060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
from math import cos, log, sqrt sum(cos(log(m)) / sqrt(m) for m in [1..1000000])