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Jupyter notebook Chunde/SOC-BEC/SOC-Barrier.ipynb

Views: 112
Kernel: Python 2 (Ubuntu Linux)
import math import numpy as np from mmfutils.performance.fft import fftn, ifftn from pytimeode import interfaces, mixins, evolvers import State from State import State, u
%pylab inline --no-import-all from IPython.display import display, clear_output s = State(Nxyz=(128,), Lxyz=(40*u.micron,),ws = np.array([26.0, ])*u.Hz, N=1e5) s.plot()
np.array([np.sqrt(8)*126.0, 126.0, 126.0])*u.Hz u.Hz
def get_err(N=128, L=24*u.micron): s = State(Nxyz=(N,), Lxyz=(L,), N=1e5) s.g = 0 a = np.sqrt(u.hbar/u.m/[0]) x =[0] psi_0 = np.exp(-(x/a)**2/2.0) s[...] = psi_0 s.normalize() dy = s.empty() s.compute_dy_dt(dy=dy, subtract_mu=True) return abs(dy[...]).max() Ns = np.arange(2,128,2) #Ns = 2**np.arange(2,8) errs = map(get_err, Ns) plt.semilogy(Ns, errs, '+-')
s = State(Nxyz=(46,), Lxyz=(23*u.micron,)) a = np.sqrt(u.hbar/u.m/[0]) L, N = s.Lxyz[0], s.Nxyz[0] k_max = np.pi*(N-2)/L # For Khalid... print (k_max, s.kxyz[0].max()) print(np.exp(-(L/2/a)**2/2)) # Wavefunction drops by factor of macheps
psi_0 =[0]*np.exp(-([0]/a)**2/2) plt.semilogy(np.fft.fftshift(s.kxyz[0]), np.fft.fftshift(abs(np.fft.fft(psi_0))), '-+')

I got error for this part, the error message is shown in the output, That comfuses me for a while.

Exact Solution with Interactions

I am trying to figure out which part is the interactions term. The formula in the code looks strange to me, I know there is an interacton term gn0gn_0, and it's added to the homarmnic poterntial term. But it also includes a 2k2k term. Vext=22m[4(kx)22k)gn0]V_{ext} = \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} [4(kx)^2 - 2k) - gn_0]

OK, I remember what we did in the meeting

%pylab inline --no-import-all from IPython.display import display, clear_output import States from States import State, u s = State(Nxyz=(64,), Lxyz=(23*u.micron,), N=1e5) a = np.sqrt(u.hbar/u.m/[0]) x =[0] psi_0 = np.exp(-(x/a)**2/2) #print(x) #print(psi_0) class State1(State): def __init__(self, *v, **kw): State.__init__(self, *v, **kw) a = np.sqrt(u.hbar/u.m/[0]) x =[0] k = 1./2./a**2 psi_0 = 4.0*np.exp(-(x/a)**2/2) n_0 = abs(psi_0)**2 self._V_ext = (u.hbar**2/2.0/u.m*(4*(k*x)**2 - 2*k) - self.g*n_0)[...] = psi_0 self.get_Vext = lambda: self._V_ext self.pre_evolve_hook()
s = State1(Nxyz=(64,), Lxyz=(23*u.micron,)) s.plot() plt.plot(x, s.get_Vext()) dy = s.empty() s.compute_dy_dt(dy=dy, subtract_mu=False) abs(dy[...]).max()
#print(s.kxyz) K1=sum((u.hbar*_k)**2/2.0/u.m for _k in s.kxyz) #print(K1) K=(u.hbar*s.kxyz[0])**2/u.m #print(K)
from mmfutils.contexts import NoInterrupt from pytimeode.evolvers import EvolverSplit, EvolverABM from IPython.display import display, clear_output s = State1(Nxyz=(64*4,), Lxyz=(23*u.micron,)) assert np.allclose(s._N, s.get_N()) s[...] = 1.0 s.normalize() s.cooling_phase = 1j E_max = u.hbar**2*np.abs(s.kxyz).max()**2/2.0/u.m #e = EvolverSplit(s, dt=0.01*u.hbar/E_max, normalize=True) e = EvolverABM(s, dt=0.1*u.hbar/E_max, normalize=True) e.y.plot()
e.y.t=0 with NoInterrupt(ignore=True) as interrupted: while e.y.t < 1* and not interrupted: e.evolve(100) plt.clf() e.y.plot() display(plt.gcf()) clear_output(wait=True)
b=s.get_Barrier(20) s.barrierFlag=False plt.plot([0],s.get_V())
e.y.cooling_phase = 1 e.y.barrierFlag = True e.y.t = 0; e.y.barrierOffset = 3.5 e.y.barrierIensity = 10.0 e.y.barrierWidth = np.array([0.3,]) e.y.barrierVelocity = np.array([.1275,]) with NoInterrupt(ignore=True) as interrupted: while e.y.t < 2* and not interrupted: e.evolve(100) plt.clf() e.y.plot() plt.plot([0],e.y.get_V()) display(plt.gcf()) clear_output(wait=True)