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Kernel: Python 3
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the module from modsim import * import math


The goal of our predictive question is to determine the farthest horizontal distance that a child of given mass (40 kg) can jump off of a swinging swingset. This is an interesting question to explore, as almost anybody who chooses to jump off of a swinging swingset will want to travel the maximum distance possible for maximum fun. So, we will be able to explore that maximum distance for a 40kg child.


We will implement our model by creating a system to execute a sweep of different angles that will give us varying displacements in the x direction to ultimately find the optimal (maximum) distance.

We are neglecting any drag force and frictional force on the seat. In the real world, these forces (particularly air resistance) will play a role when calculating the velocity of the swing, for example, but for the sake of simplicity, we will exclude these external forces. This may result in less accurate results, but we estimate the results to be in the range of reasonable values.

Our parameters include the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), mass of child (40 kg), mass of swing (5 kg, chain mass negligible), length of chain (2.5 m), initial angle (225 degrees), initial angular velocity (0 radians/s, no initial push), and time duration of the pendulum simulation (15 s).

# Here are the units we'll need: s = UNITS.second N = UNITS.newton kg = UNITS.kilogram m = UNITS.meter joule = UNITS.joule degree =;

Stage 1: Swing is a pendulum

#Params Start g = 9.8*m/s**2 ChildMass = 40*kg SwingMass = 5*kg StringLength = 2.5*m AngleInit = -(math.pi)/3 aVelocityInit = 0/s t_end = 2*s;
#Setting params params = Params(g = g, ChildMass = ChildMass, SwingMass = SwingMass, StringLength = StringLength, AngleInit = AngleInit, t_end = t_end, aVelocityInit = aVelocityInit)
g 9.8 meter / second ** 2
ChildMass 40 kilogram
SwingMass 5 kilogram
StringLength 2.5 meter
AngleInit -1.0472
t_end 2 second
aVelocityInit 0 / second
def make_system(params): init = State(angle = params.AngleInit, av = params.aVelocityInit) Child = params.ChildMass r = params.StringLength Seat = params.SwingMass g = params.g t_end = params.t_end dt = t_end/100 return System(init=init, Child=Child, r=r, Seat=Seat, g=g, t_end=t_end, dt=dt)
def slope_func(state, t, system): """ Computes derivatives of the state variables. state: angle, angular velocity t: time (unused) system: System object (unused) returns: derivatives of angle & velocity """ angle, av = state unpack(system) dadt = av davdt = -(system.g*math.sin(angle))/system.r return dadt, davdt
pendulum = make_system(params)
init angle -1.0472 av 0 / second dtype:...
Child 40 kilogram
r 2.5 meter
Seat 5 kilogram
g 9.8 meter / second ** 2
t_end 2 second
dt 0.02 second
slope_func(pendulum.init, 0, pendulum)
(0 <Unit('1 / second')>, 3.3948195828349994 <Unit('1 / second ** 2')>)
# solves differential equation results, details = run_ode_solver(pendulum, slope_func) results
angle av
0.00 -1.0472 0 / second
0.02 -1.0465185872800307 dimensionless 0.06789639165669999 / second
0.04 -1.0444819618406629 dimensionless 0.135739484746347 / second
0.06 -1.041089275242371 dimensionless 0.20347563188653522 / second
0.08 -1.0363432057837414 dimensionless 0.27105052250649103 / second
... ... ...
1.92 0.9675624815849634 dimensionless -0.7265347787380169 / second
1.94 0.9523861578266541 dimensionless -0.7907721893986798 / second
1.96 0.9359319099171372 dimensionless -0.8542905261401317 / second
1.98 0.9182148601370111 dimensionless -0.9170141735552312 / second
2.00 0.8992516738645995 dimensionless -0.9788644043599725 / second

101 rows × 2 columns

# Converts radians to degrees rad = (180/math.pi) * degree
57.29577951308232 degree


Our model generated a plot of the swing angle vs. time as well as angular velocity vs. time. This graph below shows a good confirmation that we have a model that matches up with the physics of a pendulum. This is because you can see in the graph that when the angle is at 0 the angular velocity is at it highest vs. when the angle is at is highest the av is at zero. This matches up well with what pendulums actually do. We put all of these into a sweep series and used this in the second part of the model. We took each angle and its corresponding av and input them into our projectile model to find the maximum horizontal displacement, which is what we will ultimately be recording to answer our question.

# takes into account pendulum angle in relation to time plot(results.angle, label='angle') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angle of the pendulum (degrees)') plot(results.av, label='av') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angular Velocity & Angle (Radians)')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Stage 2: Kid is yoted off swing

t_end = 20 * s dt = t_end / 100 params = Params(x = 0 * m, y = 1 * m, g = 9.8 * m/s**2, mass = 40 * kg, angle = 45 * degree, velocity = 40 * m / s, t_end=t_end, dt=dt, r = 2.5*m)
x 0 meter
y 1 meter
g 9.8 meter / second ** 2
mass 40 kilogram
angle 45 degree
velocity 40.0 meter / second
t_end 20 second
dt 0.2 second
r 2.5 meter
def make_system_2(params): """ Makes a system object. params: Params object with angle, velocity, x, y, duration, g, returns: System object """ angle, velocity = params.angle, params.velocity # convert angle to degrees theta = angle # compute x and y components of velocity vx, vy = pol2cart(theta, velocity) # make the initial state R = Vector(params.x, params.y) V = Vector(vx, vy) init = State(R=R, V=V) r=params.r return System(params, init=init)
def slope_func(state, t, system): """ Computes derivatives of the state variables. state: State (x, y, x velocity, y velocity) t: time system: System object with mass & g returns: sequence (vx, vy, ax, ay) """ R, V = state mass, g = system.mass, system.g a_grav = Vector(0, -g) A = a_grav return V, A
def event_func(state, t, system): """ Stops when the y coordinate is 0. state: State object t: time system: System object returns: y coordinate """ R, V = state return R.y
yeet = make_system_2(params) Results, details = run_ode_solver(yeet, slope_func, events=event_func) details
success True
message A termination event occurred.
plot(Results.R, label='travel') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Height?')
Image in a Jupyter notebook
plot(Results.V, label='velocity') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='velocity')
Image in a Jupyter notebook
def range_func(angle, av, params): """Computes range for a given launch angle. angle: launch angle in degrees params: Params object returns: distance in meters """ #print(angle, av) velocity = av*params.r params = Params(params, angle=angle, velocity=velocity) system = make_system_2(params) results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, events=event_func) x_dist = get_last_value(results.R).x #print(angle, x_dist) return x_dist
print (results)
angle av 0.00 -1.0472 0 / second 0.02 -1.0465185872800307 dimensionless 0.06789639165669999 / second 0.04 -1.0444819618406629 dimensionless 0.135739484746347 / second 0.06 -1.041089275242371 dimensionless 0.20347563188653522 / second 0.08 -1.0363432057837414 dimensionless 0.27105052250649103 / second ... ... ... 1.92 0.9675624815849634 dimensionless -0.7265347787380169 / second 1.94 0.9523861578266541 dimensionless -0.7907721893986798 / second 1.96 0.9359319099171372 dimensionless -0.8542905261401317 / second 1.98 0.9182148601370111 dimensionless -0.9170141735552312 / second 2.00 0.8992516738645995 dimensionless -0.9788644043599725 / second [101 rows x 2 columns]
## From Jason: sweep = SweepSeries() for angle, av in zip(results.angle, results.av): #print(angle, av) x_dist = range_func(angle, av, params) sweep[angle*rad] = x_dist print(sweep)
-60.000000 0.0 meter -59.961098 0.03663511721240593 meter -59.844408 0.07142623517042877 meter -59.650022 0.10475769646538338 meter -59.378092 0.13637497223104694 meter ... 55.437247 -0.32336023439252354 meter 54.567707 -0.35057102418493824 meter 53.624948 -0.37839238532743386 meter 52.609836 -0.40698170414764057 meter 51.523326 -0.436484920391761 meter Length: 101, dtype: object
plot(results.angle, label='angle') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angle of the pendulum (degrees)') plot(results.av, label='av') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angular Velocity & Angle (Radians)')
Image in a Jupyter notebook
plot(sweep, color='C2') decorate(xlabel='Launch angle (degrees)', ylabel='Range (m)', title='Range as a function of launch angle', legend=False)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
g = sweep.max() sweep[sweep == g]
18.793648 2.773540707930243 meter dtype: object


After implementing our sweep, the graph of Range vs. Launch angle shows that the maximum horizontal distance that the child travels after jumping off the swing is between 2.5-3 m, and occurs at an angle of 20 degrees. This makes sense, given that a smaller launch angle will result in a greater horizontal displacement. Also, it seems reasonable to think that a 40kg child will land 3 meters away from the swing, but whether that would be the maximum distance might be up for debate. A limitation of our model lies in the fact that we only accounted for one mass of a child (40 kg), so these particular results would only apply to a child of said mass. In addition, we neglected air resistance and friction caused by the seat of the swing, leading to slight deviations from realistic environments.