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Project: table stuff
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Kernel: SageMath 9.7
from lie_algebra_multiplicity import * def WeightsWithMultiplicity1InG2(l): tot = 3 * l - 1 if tot < 0: return [] else: m1 = 0 m2 = 0 solns = [] if tot % 3 == 0: m2 = tot / 3 elif tot % 3 == 1: m1 = 2 m2 = (tot - 4) / 3 elif tot % 3 == 2: m1 = 1 m2 = (tot - 2) / 3 while m1 >= 0 and m2 >= 0: solns.append([m1,m2]) m1 += 3 m2 -= 2 return solns def getAltSetsG(l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InG2(l) altsets = [findAltSet("G2", lamb = [0, l], mu = weight, simple = False) for weight in weights] return altsets def multCheckG(l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InG2(l) mults = [calculateMultiplicity("G2", lamb = [0,l], mu = weight, q_analog = True, simple=False) for weight in weights] return mults test = 1 print WeightsWithMultiplicity1InG2(test) print getAltSetsG(test) print multCheckG(test)
[[1, 0]] [[1, s1]] [q^2]
from lie_algebra_multiplicity import * def noElementsGreaterThan(arr, maxVal): for i in arr: if i > maxVal: return False return True def countIndices(partition, r): ret = [0 for i in range(0,r)] for i in partition: ret[i-1] += 1 return ret def WeightsWithMultiplicity1InA(r, l): mod = r+1 multiple = l / mod distance = l % mod all_weights = [] while multiple >= 0: partitions = Partitions(distance,max_part=r).list() weights = [countIndices(partition, r) for partition in partitions] all_weights = all_weights + weights multiple -= 1 distance += mod return all_weights def getAltSetsA(r, l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InA(r, l) altsets = [findAltSet("A" + str(r), lamb = [l], mu = weight, simple = False) for weight in weights] return altsets def multCheckA(r, l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InA(r, l) mults = [calculateMultiplicity("A" + str(r), lamb = [l], mu = weight, q_analog = True, simple=False) for weight in weights] return mults test_l =5 test_r = 7 print WeightsWithMultiplicity1InA(test_r, test_l) #print multCheckA(test_r, test_l) #print getAltSetsA(test_r, test_l) print [len(alt) for alt in getAltSetsA(test_r, test_l)]
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] [10, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
def allEvenElements(arr): for i in arr: if i % 2 == 1: return False return True def WeightsWithMultiplicity1InB(r, l): if r < 2: return [] tot = l - 1 m_r = int((tot * 2) / r) m_r = m_r if m_r % 2 == 0 else m_r - 1 all_weights = [] while m_r >= 0: sub_tot = int(tot - ((r * m_r)/2)) # this is always an integer, but sage automatically casts some things and causes issues with partitioning partitions = Partitions(sub_tot,max_part=r-1).list() weights = [countIndices(partition, r-1) for partition in partitions] for weight in weights: if allEvenElements(weight): weight.append(m_r) all_weights.append(weight) m_r -= 2 return all_weights def getAltSetsB(r, l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InB(r, l) altsets = [findAltSet("B" + str(r), lamb = [l], mu = weight, simple = False) for weight in weights] return altsets def multCheckB(r, l): weights = WeightsWithMultiplicity1InB(r, l) mults = [calculateMultiplicity("B" + str(r), lamb = [l], mu = weight, q_analog = False, simple=False) for weight in weights] return mults test_r = 7 test_l = 7 print WeightsWithMultiplicity1InB(test_r, test_l) #print multCheckB(test_r, test_l) print getAltSetsB(test_r, test_l)
def generateTables(): types = [("A", WeightsWithMultiplicity1InA,1,lambda r,l: [l if i == 0 else 0 for i in range(0,r)]),("B",WeightsWithMultiplicity1InB,2, lambda r,l: [l if i == 0 else 0 for i in range(0,r)])] data = {"A":{}, "B":{}} for (T,muFunc,start,lambFunc) in types: for r in range(start,6): data[T][r] = [] for l in range(1,11): lamb = lambFunc(r, l) mus = muFunc(r, l) mults = [] alts = [] for mu in mus: mults.append(calculateMultiplicity(T + str(r), lamb = lamb, mu = mu, q_analog = True, simple=False)) alts.append(findAltSet(T + str(r), lamb=lamb, mu=mu, simple=False)) data[T][r].append((l, lamb, mus,mults, alts)) return data x = generateTables() tex = open("tables.tex", "w+") for T in x: for r in x[T]: tex.write("\\begin{table}[h!]\n\\centering\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\n") tex.write("\\hline\n") tex.write("\\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{$r=" + str(r) + "$}\\\\\n") tex.write("\\hline\n") tex.write("$\\lambda = \\ell\\omega_1$ & $\\mu\\in M_\\ell$ & $m_q(\\lambda,\\mu)$ \\\\\n") tex.write("\\hline\n") for (l, lamb, mus, mults, alts) in x[T][r]: if len(mus) == 0: continue multrow = len(mus) tex.write("\\multirow{" + str(multrow) + "}{*}{$\\ell=" + str(l) + "$}") for i in range(0, len(mus)): mu = "" for j in range(0,len(mus[i])): if mus[i][j] != 0: coeff = mus[i][j] mu += (str(coeff) if coeff != 1 else "") + "\\omega_" + str(j + 1) + "+" mu = "0" if mu == "" else mu[:-1] alt = str(alts[i]).replace("*","").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("s","s_") mult_temp = str(mults[i]).replace("-", "+-").split("+") mult = "" for term in mult_temp: temp = term.split("^") if len(temp) >= 2: mult += temp[0] + "^{" + temp[1] + "}+" else: mult += temp[0] + "+" mult = mult.replace("+-", "-")[:-1] if i == len(mus) - 1: tex.write("& $" + mu + "$ & $" + mult + "$ \\\\\n") else: tex.write("& $" + mu + "$ & $" + mult + "$ \\cline{2-3}\\\\\n") tex.write("\\hline\n") tex.write("\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{Weights of multiplicity 1 in type " + T + str(r) + "}\n\\end{table}\n\n") tex.close()

x = "1214" print x[:-1]
from lie_algebra_multiplicity import * x = changeFundToSimple("B7", [7,0,0,0,0,0,0]).list() name = "A10" lamb = [2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] mu = [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] alt = findAltSet(name, lamb, mu, simple=False) print alt rho = RootSystem(name).ambient_space().rho() l_w = convertWeightParameters(name, lamb, False) m_w = convertWeightParameters(name, mu, False) basis_change = getStandardToSimple(name) print "lambda: ", basis_change * vector(list(Eval(l_w))) print "mu: ", basis_change * vector(list(Eval(m_w))) for elm in alt: print elm print elm.action(l_w+rho) print (m_w + rho) init = elm.action(l_w+rho) - (m_w + rho) print init init = basis_change * vector(list(Eval(init))) init = roundIfAppropriate(init) print init print (-1)**elm.length() * calculatePartition(name, list(init), q_analog = True) print calculateMultiplicity(name, lamb, mu, q_analog=True, simple=False)
[1] lambda: (1.8181818181818181, 1.6363636363636362, 1.4545454545454544, 1.2727272727272725, 1.0909090909090908, 0.909090909090909, 0.7272727272727271, 0.5454545454545452, 0.36363636363636337, 0.18181818181818155, -2.220446049250313e-16) mu: (0.8181818181818182, 1.6363636363636365, 1.4545454545454546, 1.272727272727273, 1.090909090909091, 0.9090909090909093, 0.7272727272727275, 0.5454545454545456, 0.3636363636363638, 0.181818181818182, 2.220446049250313e-16) 1 (130/11, 97/11, 86/11, 75/11, 64/11, 53/11, 42/11, 31/11, 20/11, 9/11, -2/11) (119/11, 108/11, 86/11, 75/11, 64/11, 53/11, 42/11, 31/11, 20/11, 9/11, -2/11) (1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) q q